Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

di 12/23/2009 03:03:00 PM 0 komentar
DownLoad New! Photoscape Now!
kLick here! ... Click here to Read More..

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Negaraku, Indonesiaku

di 11/28/2009 03:07:00 PM 0 komentar

Indonesiaku. . .
Engkau adalah negara yang kucintai
Tempat dimana aku dilahirkan
Tempat yang mempunyai banyak kenangan
Kenangan suka maupun duka

Indonesia adalah negara yang begitu kaya
Kaya akan sumber daya alamnya
Sumber daya alam yang begitu melimpah
Tanpa ada habisnya

Indonesiaku. . .
Kau sudah terlalu banyak menderita
Menderita karena orang - orang yang berpijak diatasmu
yang telah menyalah gunakan kekayaanmu

Mereka telah membakar hutanmu
Mengebom lautmu
Membunuh satwa langka milikmu
Tetapi masih ada yang peduli akan dirimu
Aku cinta Indonesiaku

Takan ku biarkan mereka merenggutmu
Takan ku biarkan mereka merusakmu

Dan takkan ku biarkan mereka mengusikmu ... Click here to Read More..

Selasa, 24 November 2009

Penyembuhan katarak daLam waktu 20 menit

di 11/24/2009 05:59:00 PM 0 komentar
Kini penyakit katarak bisa diatasi hanya dengan 20 menit saja. Pembiusan juga dilakukan dengan bius tetes, dan setelah operasi bisa kembali beraktivitas.
Katarak adalah perubahan lensa mata yang sebelumnya jernih dan tebus cahaya menjadi keruh. Katarak menyebabkan penderita tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas karena dengan lensa yang keruh cahaya sulit mencapai retina dan akan menghasilkan bayangan yang kabur pada retina. Jumlah dan bentuk keseluruhan pada setiap lens mata dapat bervariasi.
Seorang penderita katarak mungkin tidak menyadari telah mengalami gangguan katarak apabila kekeruhan tidak terlatak di bagian tengah lensa matanya. Katarak terjadi secara perlahan-lahan sehingga penglihatan penderita terganggu secara berangsur.
Ketarak tidak menular dari satu mata ke mata yang lain, namun dapat terjadi pada kedua mata pada saat yang bersamaan. Katarak tidak disebabkan oleh pemakaian mata yang berlabihan dan tidak mengakibatkan kebutaan permanen apabila diatasi dengan pengobatan atau operasi.
Pada banyak kasus, penyebabnya tidak di ketahui. Sebagian besar katarak terjadi karena proses degeneratif atau bertmbahnya usia seseorang. Usia rata-rata terjadinya katarak adalah pada umur 60 tehun keatas.
Akan tetapi, katarak dapat pula terjadi pada bayi karena sang ibu terinfeksi virus pada saat hamil muda.

Deteksi Sejak Dini
Melalui pemeriksaan menyeluruh dokter spesialis mata dapat mendeteksi katarak atau penyebab lain kekeruhan pad lensa mata. Masalah lain pada mata, misalnya kornea,retina dan saraf penglihatan, mungkin akan tetap mengganggu penglihatan setelah operasi katarak.
Apabila tidak memberikan hasil yang lebi baik pada penglihatan, operasi katarak mungkin tidak direkomendasikan. Dokter spesialis mata akan menjelaskan berapa banyak perbaikan penglihatan akan dicapai setelah operasi katarak.
Kecepatan gangguan katarak pada seseorang tidak dapat di prediksi, karena katarak pada setiap individu berbeda, bahkan perkembangannya pun berbeda antara satu mata dengan mata yang sebelahnya. Gangguan penglihatan yang disebabkan oleh katarak akan lebih cepat dangan bertambahnya usia seseorang. Akan tetapi pada penderita diabetes, walaupun masih berusia muda, katarak akan mengganggu penglihatan lebih cepat.
Atasi Segera
Katarak hanya dapat diatasi melalui prosedur operasi. Aka tetapi jika gejala katarak tidak mengganggu, tindakan operai tidak diperlukan. Kadang kala cukup dengan mengganti kacamata.
Hingga saat ini belum ada obat-obatan, makanan, atau kegiatan olah raga yang dapat menghindari atau menyembuhkan seseorang dari gangguan katarak. Akan tetapi melindungi mata terhadap sinar matahari yang berlebihan dapat memperlambat terjadinya gangguan katarak. Kacamata gelap atau kacamata reguler yang dapat memperlambat terjadinya gangguan katarak. Kacamata gelap atau kacamata regular yang dapat menghalangi sinar ultraviolet (UV) sebaiknya igunakan ketika berada diruang terbuka pada siang hari.
Tindakan operasi perlu dilakukan apabila katarak telah menyebabkan hilangnya penglihatan atau mengganggu kegiatan rutin sehari-hari. Operasi katarak cukup dilakukan dengan bius lokal atau tetes dan tanpa memerlukan rawat inap.
Operasi Katarak
Operasi cukup dengan bius lokal atau tetes, dan tanpa harus menjalani rawat inap. Lensa keruh diangkat dan diganti dengan lensa buatan yang ditanam secara permanen.
Dokter spesialis mata melakukan prosedur ini dengan manggunakan paralatan operasi berteknologi tinggi dengan teknik fekoemulsifikasi (tanpa jahitan). Tingkat keberhasilan operasi katarak cukup tinggi. Lebih dari 95% tindakan operasi menghasilkan perbaikan penglihatan apabila tidak terdapat gangguan pada kornea, retina, saraf mata atau masalah lainnya.
Seperti di JEC (Jakarta Eye Centre) menggunakan alat IOL Master untuk meningkatkan kecepatan ukuran lensa tanam yang digunakan. Perlu diketahui, komplikasi walaupun sangat jarang, dapat terjadi saat operasi maupun setelah operasi.
Pada sebagian besar orang yang telah menjalani operasi katarak, kapsul atau selaput dimana lensa intraokular terpasang dapat menjadi keruh.
Diperlukan terapi laser untuk membuka yang keruh ini, sehingga penglihatan menjadi jelas kembali.
... Click here to Read More..

Kamis, 05 November 2009

Tanda - Tanda Kiamat

di 11/05/2009 11:31:00 AM 0 komentar
    Kiamat KeciL

  1. AL - Qur'an tinggal tulisan

  2. Banyak orang telanjang

  3. Orang mabuk terang - terangan

  4. Prostitusi Terang - terangan

  5. Mengambil Idola artis dan musik

  6. Anak dan remaja lebih dekat dengan teman daripada ortu

  7. Sensus wanita lebih banyak dari pria

  8. Perenpuan berpakaian laki - laki dan laki - laki berpakaian perempuan

  9. Laki - laki memakai emas

  10. Hilangnya budaya salam

  11. Orang tua di jadikan pembantu

  12. Ilmu di angkat ke langit
... Click here to Read More..

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

So Sweet..

di 9/26/2009 06:38:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Look romantic boy..

di 9/26/2009 02:33:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Shinee Amigo ( engLish)

di 9/24/2009 03:02:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Shinee - Noona

di 9/22/2009 08:31:00 PM 0 komentar
[Jonghyun] noona neo muh yeh bbeo seo nam jah deul ee gah man ahn dweo
heun deul ree neun keu nyeo ue mam sah sheel ahl goh eet seo

[Onew] keu nyeo eeh geh sah rang eun han sun gan ue neu ggeem eel bbun
mwoh rah hae doh nah eeh gehn salm ue everything

[All] ah mah keu nyeo neun eoh reen nae gah buh dang seu reo uhn gah bwa
nahl pah rah boh neun nun bee chee mahl hae juh jahn ah
and I think I'm gonna hate it girl
kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
[Jonghyun] gah seum ee mahl hae jun dah nuh gah mwoh rae doh

[All] noona neo muh yeh bbeo
( [Tae min] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo
( [Tae min] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo )
Replay Replay Replay
chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
( [Tae min] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul ) goh chyeo
( [Tae min] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan )
Replay Replay Replay

[Onew] noona nah ue M.V.P buh reo uhm eeh bbu deut haet jee
[Tae min] neul shee seon jeep jong keu nyeo wah ham ggeh eet neun nan So cool
[Jonghyun] jeh bahl ee son eul noh jee mahl jah deon nah ue dah jeem eun
[Onew] eoh neu sun gan buh teo geo jeet een geol ahl ah

[All] ah mah keu nyeo neun chak han nae gah byeol jae mee eob seot nah bwa
[Key] nahl dae hah neun moom jeet ee mahl hah goh eet jahn ah
and I think I'm gonna hate it girl
kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
[Jonghyun] gah seum ee soh ree chee dah ee byeol ah peh seo

Make up Shake up Break up
[All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
( [Tae min] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo
( [Tae min] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo )
Make up Shake up Break up
chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
( [Tae min] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul ) goh chyeo
( [Tae min] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan )
Make up Shake up Break up

[All] ah ah ah reum dah eun keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek ggah jee nuh guh wah
jeen sheel dwen sah rang ue mah seul bun jeok ee eob neun geh nun myeong hae
ah ah ah seup geh doh keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek eoh reen nah eeh gehn
sheen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul bah deul suh eob neun jee

[All] noona neo muh yeh bbeo
( [Tae min] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo
( [Tae min] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo )
Replay Replay Replay
chuh eok ee nae mam eul hahl kweo eoh
( [Tae min] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul ) goh chyeo
( [Tae min] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan)
Replay Replay Replay

[All] noona neo muh yeh bbeo
( [Taemin] keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun ) mee chyeo
( [Minho] uh keu nyeo wah nah ue love ) mee chyeo
( [Taemin] hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo )
( [min ho] uh I just go crazy 'cuz )
Replay Replay Replay
( [Minho] I I I love you girl )
chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
( [Taemin] ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul )
( [Minho] uh mah eum ee ah pah seo ) goh cyeo
( [Taemin] dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan )
( [Minho] Yo I wanna hold U girl )
Replay Replay Replay
( [Minho] I I I love you )

[All] noona neo muh yeh bbeo ( I keep thinkin ' bout you )
nuh nan yeh bbeo ( I keep dreaming ' bout you )
[Minho/Key] jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah seul bon jeok ee
[All] nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo ( I keep thinkin ' bout you )
nuh nan yeh bbeo (I keep dreaming ’bout you)
[Minho] jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul

credit: pinkfluffles@LJ

English Translation:

Nuna you are so pretty,
Boys won’t leave you alone
Honestly, I know your shaking feelings
To you I know this love is one moment, one feeling
But no matter what is said, this is my life’s everything

Maybe you are worried about my young age
But look into my eyes, what is it telling you?
and I think I’m gonna hate it girl
if the end comes
Your heart will tell you, regardless of what others say

Nuna you are so beautiful
Looking at you I go crazy
But now I am tired
replay, replay, replay
Memories swipe at my heart
It hurts, when will my feelings be fixed
The ever drawing day of good bye
replay, replay, replay

Nuna you are my M.V.P
I know your nerves makes you a bit stiff
Me with you is so cool
Don’t let go of my hand
this promise I made to you
i know that it became a lie

Maybe to you, I am a little too boring, too kind
Your body is telling me
and I think I’m gonna hate it girl
when the end comes
My heart is yelling in front of the goodbye

Nuna you are so beautiful
Looking at you I go crazy
But now I am tired
Make up, shake up, break up
Memories swipe at my heart
It hurts, when will my feelings be fixed
The ever drawing day of good bye
Make up, shake up, break up

Ah ah, beautiful you
ah ah, I know has yet to find
with anyone a sincere love
ah ah, Although its such a waste
ah ah, I have given to you
at such a young age sincere love
can you not accept it?

Nuna you are so beautiful
Looking at you I go crazy
But now I am tired
replay, replay, replay
Memories swipe at my heart
It hurts, when will my feelings be fixed
The ever drawing day of good bye
replay, replay, replay

nuna you are so beautiful
Looking at you I go crazy
Uh, Our love
But now I am tired
Uh I just go crazy ‘cuz
Replay, replay, replay
I I I love you gurl
Memories swipe at my heart
Hurts so much my heart
Uh, my heart hurts
Fix it
The ever drawing day of good bye
Yo I wanna hold U girl
Replay, Replay, Replay
I I I love you

Nuna you are so beautiful
(I keep thinkin ’bout you)
Nuna so beautiful
(I keep dreaming ’bout you)
Have you tasted sincere love?
Nuna you are so beautiful
(I keep thinkin ’bout you)
Nuna so beautiful
(I keep dreaming ’bout you)
Have you seen sincere love? ... Click here to Read More..

Lyric Shinee - AMIGO

di 9/22/2009 08:30:00 PM 0 komentar
Cold heart, baby!
Cold eyes, baby!
Let's go!

Mannatda banhaetda
Keunyeo-ege banhaetda
Cheoeum boneun sexy
(Keunyeodo nareul bwa)
Wa, chagapda, chagapda
Eoreumdongju osyeotda
Hajiman sexy
(Jamgganman gidaryeo girl)
Naega ga dalryeoga dojeoneun neul jeulgeopda
Hajiman sesangeun manmanhaji anhatda

Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo

Wasseulkka bwasseulkka
Eojjeoda keunyeol hanbeon
Keureon jeok eopseo
Keuraetdamyeon imi nan slave
Neon wanbyeokhae wanbyeokhae
Nae insaengeui ggokjijeom
Nan neoreul weonhae
I'm ready~ forever!
Dorabwa meomchweobwa
Naege gihwil jweoya dwae
Sokbin nam, heose nam
Bigyo mara, naneun wanso nam

Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo

Hey, I don't know you
Keunyeol moreujiman keunyeoreul weonhae
Nareul bburichyeodo keudael jinjjaro weonhae
Namjadeureun modu jimseung neukdae gatdago
Eommadeureui gyeongheomdameun midji mallago
Michin mimogajin neoneun sungbae bada maddang!
Yeongweonhi nae gyeoteseo sarangbada maddang!
Eoreumbari seorin nune himeul pureojweo
Ijen nal jikyeobwa matgyeobwa
Turn it up, girl~

Jikyeobwa, matgyeobwa sesang eopseodo nan jeoldae
Nae yeoja hanan ggeutggaji
Saranghaejul meotjin nam~

Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo

Keunyeol boda naega michyeo
Iri sone an jabhyeo
Yonggi nae naneun pitch up!
Eoddeokhae eoddeokhae
Naneun jajonshimeul deonjyeo
Dugeundugeun gaseum teojyeo
Keunyeol gajin gibun chwigo
Jukgetda jukgesseo

Cold heart, baby!
Eoreumdongju gateun nunbicheun malgo
Hanbeonjjeumeun useodo bwayo
Ogeum jeorigo eoreobuteo!
Cold eyes, baby!
Miso hanbeonjjeumman naege jweo bwayo
Keunal baro geum noyemodeu
Ogeum jeorigo eoreobuteo!
Cold heart, baby!
Yeah! alright
Cold eyes, baby!
I like that girl
Cold eyes, baby! ... Click here to Read More..

JuLiette dance ver.

di 9/22/2009 01:57:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..


di 9/22/2009 01:52:00 PM 0 komentar
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Senin, 21 September 2009


di 9/21/2009 12:51:00 AM 0 komentar

by..: CWDKG ... Click here to Read More..

Dance Ver. (AMIGO)

di 9/21/2009 12:47:00 AM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Shinee - juLiet (dance)

di 9/21/2009 12:37:00 AM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Shinee - Love Like oxigen

di 9/21/2009 12:33:00 AM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Shinee Dance

di 9/21/2009 12:32:00 AM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Shinee dance by SMJ dance schooL

di 9/21/2009 12:31:00 AM 0 komentar
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MinHo monoLogue

di 9/21/2009 12:17:00 AM 0 komentar
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Minggu, 20 September 2009

Taemin MonoLogue

di 9/20/2009 11:59:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Shinee - schooL of rock

di 9/19/2009 04:31:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

2 MIN (taeMINho)

di 9/19/2009 04:30:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

taemin minho

di 9/19/2009 04:23:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Creazy Love (taemin & minho)

di 9/19/2009 04:16:00 PM 0 komentar
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2 min

di 9/19/2009 03:50:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Minho + Tae min (i Love them)

di 9/19/2009 03:48:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Gak Tau Degh

di 9/19/2009 04:31:00 AM 0 komentar
Gue emank manusia biasa yang gak sempurna..
di dunia ini emank gak ada yang sempurna. kaLo rokok mah ada yang sampurna. hahaha.
Sebagai manusia yang gak pernah sempurna di dunia ini, tentunya gue punya musuh, teman, sodara dan Lain Lain.
Dan satu, gue juga punya orang yang gue banci di dunia ini. Yang paLing gue baenci adaLah orang yang paLing so' berkuasa terhadap teman" gua. Gua paLing benci tuh. SUMPAH..!!! gua benci banget ma orang yang kek gitu. ApaLagi mreka yang suka merendahkan orang yang Lemah.Mreka pikir mreka itu siapa? tuhan? maLaikat? kaLo setan mah iya. hahaha.
Gua benci teman" gue yang suka ngeremehin gua. hih, mereka pikir mereka siapa. huh dasar BITCH..!! Tai Lo..! hufh. Gua masih inget banget kejadian waktu gua masih keLas 7. Gua pernah di Labrak sama temen" gua yang SO' banget. mereka pikir gue takut ma mereka? hah WHAT EVER LOUSER..! ngeLabrak gua rame", braninya kroyokan. haha banci Lo..! maen kroyok ajah. waLaupun gua hanya sendiri, tapi gua beranni ngadepin Lu pada. haha, mentang" Lo tuh anak orang kaya dan gua anak yang boLeh dibiLang sederhana. huft, kasian banged sih. seenggaknya gua gak banyak menghina, kayak kaLian yang suka menghina orang. bercanda tapi keterLaLuan banget. kayak Lo sempurna aja? MATI AJA LO..!
Sebenarnya sih gua pengen banget baLas dendam. tapi sayang, daLam agama gua dendam tuh diLarang. ah mungkin mereka gak punya agama kaLi ya..? gak pernah di ajarin yang bener ma ortunya. pantesan ajah muLutnya mereka tuh Lancang banget kaLo ngomong ma orang. gak pernah ada sopan"nya dikit.
Sebenarnya sih gua pengen banget bikin video kek MARSHANDA. tapi gua gak mau, kasian mereka para PENGECUT ituh. nanti kedok mereka terbongkar semua. haha, yang pasti gua Legah banget kaLo ternyata mereka tuh gak Lebih baik dari pada ANJING di mata gua. hahaha. ... Click here to Read More..

Rabu, 16 September 2009

my friend - adhied toiLed

di 9/16/2009 03:27:00 PM 0 komentar

aq punya seorang teman..
dia pernah jadi kakak keLasku di SMP 1 kota gorontaLo..
namanya Adhied ToiLed...
dan sekarang dia skuL di SMA 3..
kaLo gak saLah sih bgitu..
dia Lahir tgL 15 agustus 1993...
dia punya account di twitter.. foLLow ajah dia..
punya juga account di FB req ajah dia jadi tmn..
ada juga di mixpod add ajah dia..
pengen Liad profiLe Lengkapnya Liad ajah di FB twitter or mixpodnya.
cakep kok...
oh ya Lupa... dia juga punya Blog..
ampe sini ajah yah... ... Click here to Read More..

Selasa, 15 September 2009

kenangan teman sekeLasku 84 angkatan 2008 - 2009

di 9/15/2009 06:24:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Senin, 14 September 2009

Vierra - Rasa iNi

di 9/14/2009 11:45:00 PM 0 komentar
ku tak percaya kau ada disini
menemaniku di saat dia pergi
sungguh bahagia kau ada disini
menghapus semua sakit yang kurasa

mungkinkah kau merasakan
semua yang ku pasrahkan
kenanglah kasih..

Reff :
ku suka dirinya, mungkin aku sayang
namun apakah mungkin, kau menjadi milikku
kau pernah menjadi , menjadi miliknya
namun salahlah aku, bila ku pernah merasa ini

na nana nanana nana nanana ... Click here to Read More..

Kamis, 10 September 2009

SeLena Gomez

di 9/10/2009 11:25:00 PM 0 komentar
Selena Gomez

Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992 in Grand Prairie, Texas) is an American actress and singer, best known for her portrayal of Alex Russo on the Disney Channel series, Wizards of Waverly Place. She has starred in the television movies, Another Cinderella Story and Princess Protection Program. Before Disney, she had a recurring role on Barney & Friends. In 2008, she signed a record deal with Hollywood Records and contributed to the Tinker Bell, Another Cinderella Story and Wizards of Waverly Place soundtracks. Her debut studio album with her band Selena Gomez & The Scene, Kiss & Tell, will be released in September 2009.

Gomez, an only child, was born in Grand Prairie, Texas to Ricardo Gomez and Mandy Teefy (née Cornett), a former stage actress who was 16 when she gave birth to Gomez. Her birth parents separated when she was five years old; her mother remarried in 2006 to Brian Teefy. Gomez was named after singer Selena. Her father is Mexican and her mother is of Italian descent.

In 2008, Gomez recorded a cover of “Cruella de Vil” for DisneyMania 6, three songs for the Another Cinderella Story soundtrack, and “Fly to Your Heart” for the animated film Tinker Bell. In July 2008, she signed a record deal with Hollywood Records. She also had a cameo in the Jonas Brothers music video for “Burnin’ Up”. During an interview with MTV in August 2008, she said of her future music career:

I’m going to be in a band — no Selena Gomez stuff. I’m not going to be a solo artist. I think that I don’t want my name attached to it. I will be singing, and I’m learning drums and playing electric guitar.

In 2009, Gomez recorded “One and the Same” for Princess Protection Program as a duet with her co-star Demi Lovato, four songs for the Wizards of Waverly Place soundtrack, and “Whoa Oh!” with Forever the Sickest Kids. Gomez’s debut studio album, Kiss & Tell will be released in September 2009. The album’s first single, “Falling Down” was released on August 21, 2009. ... Click here to Read More..

Demmi Lovato

di 9/10/2009 11:25:00 PM 0 komentar
Demi Lovato

Demetria Devonne “Demi” Lovato (born August 20, 1992 in Dallas, Texas) is an American actress and singer-songwriter. She is best known for her role as Mitchie Torres in the Disney Channel Original Movie Camp Rock and Sonny Monroe in Sonny With A Chance. Lovato released her debut album Don’t Forget on September 23, 2008. The album debuted at #2 on the Billboard 200 selling over 89,000 copies in the first week. Lovato’s second album, Here We Go Again, released on July 21, 2009. The album debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 selling over 108,000 copies in the first week.

Lovato began her acting career at the age of six on the children’s television series Barney & Friends as Angela, appearing in seasons seven and eight. In 2006 Lovato guest starred on Prison Break as Danielle Curtin in the episode “First Down”. She also appeared in the second season of the television sitcom Just Jordan as Nicole, in the episode “Slippery When Wet”. In January 2007, she landed the role of Charlotte Adams on the Disney Channel Original Short Series, As the Bell Rings, which premiered on August 26, 2007. A few of her original songs, including “Shadow,” were featured on the show. Upon leaving the show, her character was replaced by Lindsey Black.

In 2008, Lovato appeared in the Disney Channel Original Movie, Camp Rock. She played Mitchie Torres, a fourteen-year-old girl with hopes of becoming a singer. The movie premiered on June 20 in the USA on Disney Channel. She recorded three songs for the Camp Rock soundtrack. She also covered “That’s How You Know” on DisneyMania 6. She later signed a record deal with Hollywood Records. Her cover of “Wonderful Christmastime” is featured in All Wrapped Up.

Lovato’s debut album Don’t Forget was released on September 23, 2008 in the United States debuting at number two on the Billboard 200 chart. The Jonas Brothers co-wrote several songs with Lovato for this album. During the summer of 2008, she performed as the Jonas Brothers’ opening act for their Burning Up Tour. She competed on the Disney Channel Games for the third annual show. Subsequently, she appeared on the second show of Studio DC: Almost Live.

Lovato is currently starring in the Disney Channel Original Series, Sonny With a Chance, which premiered on February 8, 2009. She appears in Princess Protection Program as Princess Rosalinda alongside her best friend Selena Gomez. The movie premiered on June 26, 2009, on Disney Channel. Lovato released her second studio album, Here We Go Again on July 21, 2009. The first single off the album, titled the same as the album, was released on June 17, 2009 Regarding the album, Lovato says: “It’s going to take a different sound, so hopefully it goes over well. I sing a lot of rock, but this time I want to do more John Mayer-ish type of songs. Hopefully I can write with people like him.” During the summer of 2009 Lovato along with other Disney Channel stars took part in Disney’s Friends for Change, a pro-social “green” initiative. The theme song, titled Send It On, for the project is performed by Lovato along with Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus and The Jonas Brothers. ... Click here to Read More..

HiLLary Duff

di 9/10/2009 11:13:00 PM 0 komentar
Hilary Duff

Emperor is a seminal Norwegian black metal band who represent a synth laden, progressive yet brutally aggressive and chaotic part of the genre, something quite different from the minimalism of other originators of the Norwegian black metal sound (e.g. Darkthrone).

The band was formed around the core members Samoth (Tomas Thormodsæter Haugen) and Ihsahn (Vegard Sverre Tveitan) of the death metal band Thou Shalt Suffer and bass player Mortiis (Håvard Ellefsen) in Notodden, Norway, 1992.

They released their critically acclaimed and widely influential debut In the Nightside Eclipse in 1994 after being joined by drummer Faust and having replaced Mortiis with Tchort on bass.

Around the same time as the release of the debut, most of the band are arrested on various accounts (drummer Faust for murder and arson, guitarist Samoth for arson and bassist Tchort for burglary).

Two years later, after Samoth’s parole, the band released what many consider to be their landmark achievement, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, having invited Enslaved’s Trym Torson (Kai Jonny Mosaker) to man the drums.

Emperor went on to release two more albums (IX Equilibrium in 1999 and Prometheus: The Discipline Of Fire and Demise in 2001) before splitting up in 2001. A live album titled Emperial Live Ceremony was also released in 2000 as both video (VHS / DVD) and CD. And, in addition, a “best of” double CD titled Scattered Ashes: a Decade of Emperial Wrath was released in 2003. ... Click here to Read More..

Biography of AshLey TisdaLe

di 9/10/2009 10:54:00 PM 0 komentar
Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Michelle Tisdale (born July 2, 1985) is an American actress, singer, and television producer. Tisdale’s first major role started in 2005 with Disney’s The Suite Life of Zack & Cody as Maddie Fitzpatrick and she next played Sharpay Evans in the High School Musical film series. Her most international succesful single so far is He Said She Said, she also made music history by becoming the first female artist ever to debut with two singles simultaneously on the Billboard Hot 100 with What I’ve Been Looking For and Bop To The Top.

On 2006 after the first Emmy-winning High School Musical, she pursued a solo music career with the first solo single Kiss the Girl and later she released her debut album Headstrong on February 6, 2007. The album debuted at number five in the U.S. charts, selling over 64,000 copies in the first week, and was later certified Gold. Tisdale later released a music DVD, There’s Something About Ashley.

She continued her role as Sharpay Evans in High School Musical 2 and High School Musical 3: Senior Year. High School Musical 2 was the most-watched basic cable show on record. Tisdale has a supporting role as Candace Flynn in Disney Channel’s Phineas and Ferb. As of February 2009, Tisdale’s second album Guilty Pleasure to be released in July 28, 2009 in U.S., with the first single It’s Alright, It’s OK, and is set to star in the film They Came from Upstairs, which is scheduled to be released in July 2009.
In August 2008, Forbes listed her among Hollywood’s 10 top-paid young entertainers. Tisdale will released her first EP Degree Girl OMG! Jams in June 2008 to promote Degree Girl.

Early life and career beginnings

Tisdale was born in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States on July 2, 1985, to Lisa (née Morris) and Mike Tisdale, who runs a construction company. She grew up in Ocean Township. Her elder sister, Jennifer Tisdale, is an actress and model, and her maternal grandfather, Arnold Morris, developed Ginsu Knives; through her grandfather, she is also related to businessman Ron Popeil. Tisdale is Jewish.

When she was three, Tisdale was discovered by Bill Perlman, her current manager, at South Shores Mall. On her first audition, Tisdale landed a JC Penney spot and went on to appear in more than 100 commercials as a kid. At the age of eight, she was cast in a leading role in the Broadway musical, Les Misérables, and later toured internationally with the cast of Annie. She began her acting career by appearing in Gypsy: A Musical Fable and The Sound of Music at the Jewish Community Center of Monmouth County. At age twelve, Tisdale sang for american president Bill Clinton in the White House. In an interview given on People, Tisdale stated that her first appearance in commercials was at the age of three for JCPenney. Tisdale also was a Ford Models along with Lindsay Lohan and Mischa Barton.

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Tisdale made guest appearances in several television series, which included George Lopez, Smart Guy, 7th Heaven, Grounded for Life, Strong Medicine, Charmed, Beverly Hills, 90210 and Bette, where she co-stared with Brenda Song for the first time. For her role in Boston Public she received a 2000 Young Artist Award nomination for “best guest performance in a TV drama”. Tisdale had a voice role in the 1998 animated movie A Bug’s Life, and a minor role in the 2001 film Donnie Darko. She had recurring roles on sitcoms with The Hughleys in 2002 and Still Standing in 2003.

Recording and film career
*2004-2006: Fame rise and career development

In 2004, Tisdale was cast in the role of Maddie Fitzpatrick on The Suite Life of Zack & Cody after auditioning for the roles of Maddie Fitzpatrick and London Tipton. While performing on the show, Tisdale received a voice role in Whisper of the Heart, the English-language version of the Japanese animated feature, Mimi wo Sumaseba.

Tisdale was soon cast as Sharpay Evans in Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical. Tisdale had originally auditioned for the role of Gabriella Montez, but was eventually cast as Sharpay because it was felt that her alto voice suited a darker character. Producers did not initially consider her because of her good-girl image on The Suite Life. Tisdale’s role in High School Musical required her to perform several songs. Her contributions to the High School Musical soundtrack included What I’ve Been Looking For, Bop To The Top, and We’re All In This Together. All three charted on the Billboard Hot 100.Tisdale made music history by becoming the first female artist ever to debut with two singles simultaneously on the Hot 100 with What I’ve Been Looking For and Bop To The Top. The soundtrack, on which Tisdale sings lead vocals on several songs, became the top-selling album of 2006. Tisdale appeared in the two episodes of MTV’s Punk’d and in the Disney Channel Games 2006.

Her music career developed in 2006. In June, Tisdale signed in a record deal with Warner Bros. Records. Prior to the release of her debut album, Tisdale covered the hit single Last Christmas (originally by Wham!) and released it in 2006 as the first single in her deal with Warner Bros. but it failed to chart on U.S. Billboard Hot 100. With Disney, she recorded a version of Some Day My Prince Will Come with Drew Seeley for DisneyMania 4 and a version of “A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes” with other members of the Disney Channel Circle of Stars. She was featured on the music video which was later included on Cinderella: Platinum Edition DVD. Tisdale also recorded a cover version of the song Kiss the Girl which was first heard on Radio Disney in September 2006 and shot a music video which premiered on Disney Channel after a The Suite Life of Zack and Cody episode and was later included on The Little Mermaid: Platinum Edition DVD.

Tisdale launched a worldwide tour with the rest of the cast of High School Musical in fall 2006, performing the songs from the soundtrack album as well of three songs from her debut album, which was released on 2007. A DVD and a live album named High School Musical: The Concert were released in 2007, featuring We’ll Be Together (Live), He Said She Said and Headstrong.

Tisdale released a three-song EP by Warner Bros. Records on December 12, 2006 prior to the release of her debut album. The EP was called He Said She Said and also included Headstrong and her holiday single Last Christmas. It was released to promote the full length album. The EP was available for purchase during the High School Musical: The Concert were released in 2007, featuring We’ll Be Together (Live).

*2007-2008: Headstrong, lead roles and other projects

Tisdale’s first solo album, Headstrong, was released on February 6, 2007 and was distributed by Warner Bros. Records. The album debuted at number five on the Billboard 200 album charts, selling 64,000 copies. Tisdale described Headstrong as a chance for her fans to get to know her better. “I want people to know that I’m a real person, and that I’ve been through normal situations, like crushes and heartbreaks.”, said Tisdale. She also admitted that the album was called Headstrong because she is a pretty headstrong type of person.

Though her first single was expected to be He Said She Said, it was released later, with Be Good To Me being released as her first single. Tisdale wrote four songs for the album - Not Like That, Suddenly, Over It and the bonus track It’s Life. Tisdale re-released He Said She Said on September 19, 2007, when the music video premiered on MTV’s TRL.

Some promotional singles were released from the album. The songs Goin’ Crazy and Headstrong” were released as exclusive singles on Radio Disney, So Much For You was released on Australian and Brazilian radios, and We’ll Be Together was released as a promo single to promote the DVD High School Musical: The Concert. During 2008, “Not Like That” was released as the third official single on european countries and on Brazil, while “Suddenly” was released as the forth single on Germany and Brazil. Both had no official release on the U.S. In late 2008, a european version of the “Be Good to Me” music video was released, with some behind the scenes clips included. The song was finally released as an official single on Europe on October 17, 2008.
Tisdale performing at the High School Musical: The Concert Tour.

She reprised her role as Sharpay Evans in High School Musical 2 which premiered on August 17, 2007. She also appeared on the soundtrack, performing several songs such as “Fabulous”, “You Are The Music In Me (Sharpay Version)” and “What Time Is It?”. Tisdale has a supporting role in the Disney Channel series Phineas and Ferb, voicing Candace Flynn. She also voiced Camille Leon on Disney Channel series Kim Possible. Tisdale also received her first award on Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards UK as “Best TV Actress” by her acting on The Suite Life of Zack & Cody.

In 2007, Tisdale released her first music DVD, There’s Something About Ashley, with a three-song trilogy comprised by music videos and a documentary about the Headstrong album creation.[43]

The album was re-released for the first time in Christmas 2007 in a Holiday Edition with the standard CD, the DVD There’s Something About Ashley in a digipack format, and some other merchandise.[44] The album was re-released again in a limited Deluxe Edition format, released only in Germany with the DVD.[45] Tisdale promoted the album and the DVD in a mini mall-tour in mid-October 2007 in which she had an Ecko Red fashion show and later, performed live three songs in selected American’s malls.[46] The album was certified Gold in the U.S. for reaching 500,000 copies shipped[47] and Billboard readers chose it the sixth best album of the year.[48]

On November 12, 2008. Tisdale along with the High School Musical cast performed live a Christmas version of the hit song “What Time Is It?” from High School Musical 2 during the annual event Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade.[49] On November 28, 2007, Tisdale hosted a part of the “75th Rockefeller Christmas Tree” in New York City with Nick Lachey and performed a couple of her singles after a small interview.[50]

“MTV News” confirmed in an interview that her first movie with herself being the star is titled Picture This, which was released on DVD in 2008.[51] In addition to playing the role of Mandy Gilbert, Tisdale is credited as one of the executive producers of the movie.[52] She also covered the 80’s hit song “Shadows of the Night” for the film. Tisdale made a special appearance in the credits of the movie Bring It On: In It to Win It, where she performed her single “He Said She Said”.

Tisdale reprised her role as Sharpay Evans for the third time in High School Musical 3: Senior Year. She appeared on the High School Musical 3 soundtrack, performing songs such as “A Night to Remember” and “I Want It All”. “I Want It All” was released as one of the official singles from the soundtrack, with the song being released on iTunes and video being aired on Disney Channel.[53] Tisdale also presented an award in the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards along with the rest of the High School Musical 3 cast.[54] Tisdale launched a European promotional tour along with the cast of High School Musical 3 to promote the movie[55] and later they travelled to Australia.[56] The song “I Want It All”, performed by Tisdale, was chosen by the Billboard as one of five songs that were deserving to be nominated to 81st Academy Awards in the “Best Original Song” category.[57]

On December 12, 2008, she hosted the ‘Z-100’s Jingle Ball in the Madison Square Garden, New York City and two days later she attended the Q102’s Jingle Ball 2008 at Susquehanna Bank Center, Camden, NJ.[58] On December 31, 2008, Tisdale joined V Factory and American Idol’s runner-up David Archuleta on NewPhoria at McKay Events Center; she was the guest host. ... Click here to Read More..

David ArchuLeta

di 9/10/2009 10:52:00 PM 0 komentar
David Archuleta

David James Archuleta (born December 28, 1990) is an American pop/R&B singer. On May 21, 2008, he became the runner-up on the seventh season of American Idol receiving 44 percent of over 97 million votes. Archuleta’s first single “Crush” was released on August 1 2008, which debuted in the billboard on the no.2 spot and stayed strong on the iTunes charts for both the song and music video as no.1

Early life
David Archuleta was born in Miami, Florida, to Jeff Archuleta and Lupe Marie, a salsa singer and dancer from Honduras. Archuleta has four siblings. Archuleta’s family moved to the Salt Lake Valley, to the city of Sandy, Utah, when Archuleta was six. He currently resides in Murray, Utah, where he is a student at Murray High School.

Archuleta started singing at age six, inspired by a Les Misérables video. “That musical is what started all of this,” he said. He started performing publicly at age 10 when he participated in the Utah Talent Competition singing “I Will Always Love You” by Dolly Parton; he received a standing ovation and won the Child Division.

Archuleta was inspired by watching both Tamyra Gray and Kelly Clarkson to “see what performing and really getting into a song was like” during the beginning weeks of the premiere season of American Idol. He later made his television debut, at eleven years old, singing “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” on a Jenny Jones show for future Latino stars alongside season one finalist A.J. Gil. Through A.J. Gil he was able to meet and sing for Gray who had sung the song on American Idol as well as Clarkson (that year’s winner) and Justin Guarini (the runner up).

Musical influences
Archuleta’s mother is from Honduras, and much of the music he listened to as a child was Latin-influenced including watching his mom sing at events with her sisters. She also “was big on dancing” according to Archuleta, and would “make” him dance to traditional music with his older sister. He also listened to jazz music, he said, from his father’s collection as well as gospel, pop, rock and “soulful music.” In a later interview, he revealed that his father was a jazz musician. Archuleta also said he enjoys Broadway musicals.

On his American Idol “Fast Facts” page, Archuleta cites his musical influences as Natalie Cole, Stevie Wonder, Kirk Franklin and Bryan Adams. When asked to list his top pop artists, he cited Natasha Bedingfield, Natalie Cole, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Bryan Adams, Kirk Franklin, and Robbie Williams. Like Yamin and another singer he admires, John Mayer, Archuleta tries to infuse his pop selections with a soulful vibe.

Star Search
In 2003, at age 12, Archuleta sang on several episodes of the television show Star Search. He ended up as the Junior Vocal Champion on Star Search 2. On one episode, he sang against then-11-year-old Alexandréa Lushington, who also became a “top 20” semi-finalist on American Idol alongside Archuleta. Around the second year of being on Star Search he started focusing on the lyrics, “I didn’t even pay attention to the lyrics when I was 12, 13”.

Archuleta’s competing on Star Search led to appearances on The Jenny Jones Show and CBS’ The Early Show, and meeting the finalists from American Idol’s first season, for whom he performed a spontaneous a cappella rendition of “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” from Dreamgirls, and received enthusiastic praise from Season 1 winner Kelly Clarkson. The year after Star Search he found out he had partial vocal paralysis but declined risky surgery and has said he feels he is almost fully recovered. He limited his singing for specific occasions like Stadium of Fire, the Independence Day celebration at Brigham Young University Stadium.

American Idol
Archuleta won his ticket to the Hollywood final auditions (with a performance of John Mayer’s “Waiting on the World to Change”) with the help of idol judge, Randy Jackson, who sang the background “waiting” in the song. (at the San Diego tryouts held at Qualcomm Stadium July 30 and July 31, 2007) He was 16 during the Hollywood auditions (where he sang Bryan Adams’ “Heaven” and Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy” to unanimous praise) and because he was not yet 18, had to attend school while a part of American Idol’s seventh season. His parents were there because he was a minor. Archuleta also took advantage of the decision to allow contestants to play musical instruments when he accompanied himself on piano for his performances of “Another Day in Paradise” and “Angels.”

A Los Angeles Times article speculated why Archuleta avoided singing the first verse of “Imagine”: because “of his religion (Mormonism), he’s unlikely to espouse the song’s agnostic ideal . . . with the line about ‘no religion too.’” Archuleta did, however, sing the entire song on Good Things Utah when he was 13. During his first performance of Imagine on American Idol, when asked by judge Randy Jackson why he didn’t sing the first verse, Archuleta said the third verse was his favorite because it has “a great message.”

In the finale he sang “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me,” “In This Moment” and “Imagine.” Judge Simon Cowell declared that Archuleta won the evening and even David Cook, who ultimately won, thought Archuleta would win: “I have to concede it, the kid came out all three songs and nailed it,” said Cook. In the final tally, Archuleta received 44 percent of the votes. During the finale show, both Archuleta and fellow finalist Cook appeared in separate but nearly identical commercials for the game franchise Guitar Hero, mimicking a Tom Cruise scene from Risky Business.

by: Last.FM ... Click here to Read More..

Biography of Hannah Montana

di 9/10/2009 10:50:00 PM 0 komentar
Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana is an Emmy Award-nominated American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family.

On April 9, 2008, it was announced that Hannah Montana would return for a third season in 2008 and production started on August 4, 2008. Season 3 premiered on November 2, 2008, and is still filming. Hannah Montana Season 3 will start in the UK on the 2nd March 2009. On April 10th 2009 “Hannah Montana: The Movie” will come out in theatres.

The movie that will come out in cinemas is about Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) an alter ego pop star Hannah Montana goes back to her home state of Tennessey after getting into a shoe fight.

Cyrus’ real-life father Billy Ray Cyrus stars as Miley Stewart’s father and Hannah Montana’s songwriter/manager Robby Stewart. Jason Earles stars as brother Jackson Stewart, and Miley Stewart’s two best friends Lilly Truscott and Oliver Oken are played by Emily Osment and Mitchel Musso, respectively. The show’s theme song is “Best of Both Worlds,” performed by Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana, who also performs the songs that are featured on the show. When Miley Cyrus originally auditioned for the part, the producers turned her down, but later called back saying she could have the part and that they would like for her father to play on the show also.

The show is co-created by Michael Poryes, who also co-created another Disney Channel Original Series “That’s So Raven” and is produced by It’s a Laugh Productions, Inc., in association with Disney. The series premiere scored record ratings for Disney Channel: 5.4 million viewers, a response “beyond our wildest expectations,” according to the president of Disney Channel Entertainment. Hannah Montana is believed to be so popular due to it’s appeal to teen audiences and it’s comedy factor which is quite strong in all of the It’s a Laugh Productions.

Montana became the hottest touring act of 2007 when tickets for her “Best of Both Worlds” United States tour sold out within minutes online, resulting in hugely inflated prices of up to $2,000 from resale outlets throughout the nation. The tour, accompanied by Disney cronies Jonas Brothers, featured both Miley Cyrus and her alter-ego identity Hannah Montana. Due to the record-breaking success of this tour, Disney announced another United States tour for 2008. Ticket sales did just as well as the previous tour and gave other Montana fans who weren’t fortunate enough to see the first tour a chance to see the teen pop sensation live.

In early 2007, Disney announced plans to release Hannah Montana products including clothing apparel, stationery, and dolls. Hannah Montana is currently on its second season, and “Hannah Montana 3D: The Movie” will hit theaters in early 2009. ... Click here to Read More..

Layouts Kim Sang Bum And Kim So Eun On MY Spaca

di 9/10/2009 10:05:00 PM 0 komentar
Layouts Kim Sang Bum And Kim So Eun On MY Spaca ... Click here to Read More..

TyLor Swift

di 9/10/2009 08:43:00 PM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009


di 8/19/2009 10:34:00 PM 0 komentar
a. Struktur dan Fungsi Hati
Hati di sebut sebagai aLat ekskresi karena menghasilkan empedu. Empedu merupakan hasil perombakan sel-sel darah merah yang teLah tua dan rusak. Hati merupakan organ yang paling besar di daLam tubuh kita, mempunyai berat kurang Lebih 1,5 kg, dan berwarna coklat. Hati terletak dalam rongga perut begian atas sebelah kanan bawah diagfarma.
Selain berfungsi sebagai organ ekskresi, hati juga memiliki beberapa fungsi berikut:
  1. Menyimpan glikogen (gula otot yang merupakan hasil pengubahan dari glukosa karena kerja hormon insulin).
  2. Membentuk dan merombak protein.
  3. menetralkan racun.
  4. Membentuk protrombin (zat yang digunakan daLam pembekuan darah).
  5. Merombak eritrosit (sel darah merah).

b. Kelainan Hati

  1. Penyakit kuning, penyakit yang di tandai: kuLit tubuh kuning pucat, bola mata kuning, dan kuku pada jari tangan serta kaki menjadi kuning. Warna kuning dikarenakan penimbunan bilirubin. Selain itu juga di akibatkan saluran empedunya tersumbat sehingga cairan empedu tidak dapat di alirkan ke daLam usus dua belas jari. Cairan empedu tersebut masuk ke daLam darah sehingga warnah darah menjadi kekuningan. Oleh karena pada seluruh tubuh banyak mengandung pembuluh darah maka tubuh menjadi berwarna kuning pucat.
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Create by me...

di 8/19/2009 02:53:00 PM 0 komentar
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Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

di 8/13/2009 10:56:00 PM 0 komentar

Press Releases

News Release - IAU0915: Surface features on Titan form like Earth’s, but with a frigid twist

Aug 6, 2009, Rio de Janeiro

Saturn’s haze-enshrouded moon Titan turns out to have much in common with Earth in the way that weather and geology shape its terrain, according to two pieces of research to be presented at the XXVII General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Wind, rain, volcanoes, tectonics and other Earth-like processes all sculpt features on Titan’s complex and varied surface in an environment more than 100 °C colder on average than Antarctica.

"It is really surprising how closely Titan's surface resembles Earth's," says Rosaly Lopes, a planetary geologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, who is presenting the results on Friday, 7 August. "In fact, Titan looks more like the Earth than any other body in the Solar System, despite the huge differences in temperature and other environmental conditions."

The joint NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens mission has revealed details of Titan's geologically young surface, showing few impact craters, and featuring mountain chains, dunes and even "lakes". The RADAR instrument on the Cassini orbiter has now allowed scientists to image a third of Titan's surface using radar beams that pierce the giant moon's thick, smoggy atmosphere. There is still much terrain to cover, as the aptly named Titan is one of the biggest moons in the Solar System, larger than the planet Mercury and approaching Mars in size.

Titan has long fascinated astronomers as the only moon known to possess a thick atmosphere, and as the only celestial body other than Earth to have stable pools of liquid on its surface. The many lakes that pepper the northern polar latitudes, with a scattering appearing in the south as well, are thought to be filled with liquid hydrocarbons, such as methane and ethane.

"With an average surface temperature hovering around -180 °C, water cannot exist on Titan except as deep-frozen ice as strong as rock," Lopes says. On Titan, methane takes water's place in the hydrological cycle of evaporation and precipitation (rain or snow) and can appear as a gas, a liquid and a solid. Methane rain cuts channels and forms lakes on the surface and causes erosion, helping to erase the meteorite impact craters that pockmark most other rocky worlds, such as our own Moon and the planet Mercury.

Other new research presented at the IAU General Assembly points to current volcanic activity on Titan, but instead of scorching hot magma, scientists think these "cryovolcanoes" eject cold slurries of water-ice and ammonia. Scientists have spotted evidence for these outflows using another Cassini instrument called the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS). This device can gather the infrared light from the Sun that is reflected back by Titan's surface after passing through its atmosphere, giving clues about the identity of the chemical compounds found on Titan's surface.

VIMS had previously detected an area, called Hotei Regio, with a varying infrared signature, suggesting the temporary presence of ammonia frosts that subsequently dissipated or were covered over. Although the ammonia does not stay exposed for long, models show that it exists in Titan's interior, indicating that a process is at work delivering ammonia to the surface. RADAR imaging has indeed found structures that resemble terrestrial volcanoes near the site of suspected ammonia deposition.

At the IAU General Assembly, new infrared images of this region, with ten times the resolution of prior mappings, will be unveiled. "These new results are the next advance in this exploration process," says Robert M. Nelson, a senior research scientist, also at JPL, who presented a result on Wednesday, 5 August. "The images provide further evidence suggesting that cryovolcanism has deposited ammonia onto Titan's surface. It has not escaped our attention that ammonia, in association with methane and nitrogen, the principal species of Titan's atmosphere, closely replicates the environment at the time that life first emerged on Earth. One exciting question is whether Titan's chemical processes today support a prebiotic chemistry similar to that under which life evolved on Earth?"

Yet more terrestrial-type features on Titan include dunes formed by cold winds, and mountain ranges. These mountains might have formed tectonically when Titan's crust compressed as it went into a deep freeze, in contrast to the Earth's crust, which continues to move today, producing earthquakes and rift valleys on our planet.

Many Titan researchers hope to observe Titan with Cassini for long enough to follow a change in seasons. The new image released by JPL accompanying this release shows what appears to be a dried-out lake at Titan's south pole. Lopes thinks that the hydrocarbons there likely evaporated because this hemisphere is experiencing summer. When the seasons change in several years and summer returns to the northern latitudes, the lakes so common there may evaporate and end up pooling in the south.

This IAU General Assembly has personal significance for Lopes, as she was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. From abroad and on periodic visits back to her home country, Lopes has encouraged young Brazilians to pursue careers in science and technology. "It's wonderful to be back again", Lopes says.

By : Surface

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Kondisi Permukaan TITAN

di 8/13/2009 10:46:00 PM 0 komentar

Titan, bulan Saturnus yang berkabut ini ternyata memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan Bumi terutama dalam hal cuaca dan kondisi geologi yang membentuk tanahnya. Hal ini diungkap dalam presentasi pada XXVIII General Assembly of International Astronomical Union (IAU), di Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Angin, hujan, gunung api, tektonik dan beragai proses lainnya yang ada di Bumi juga tampak pada permukaan Titan yang beragam dan kompleks.

Mosaik pmetaan permukaan Titan. Kredit : NASA/JPL

Mosaik pemetaan permukaan Titan. Kredit : NASA/JPL

Permukaan Titan ternyata memiliki kemiripan yang sangat dekat dengan Bumi, melebihi benda lainnya yang ada di tata Surya, meskipun ada perbedaan besar pada temperatur dan kondisi lingkungan lainnya.

Misi bersama NASA/ESA/ASI, Cassini-Huygens berhasil mengungkap detil geologi permukaan Titan yang masih muda. Di sana tampak beberapa kawah akibat tumbukan, rantai pegunungan, bukit pasir dan juga “danau”. Instrumen RADAR di orbiter Cassini juga berhasil menembus atmosfer Titan yang tebal dan berkabut, sehingga akan lebih banyak lagi misteri berbagai area di Titan yang dapat diungkap.

Titan memang sudah sejak lama menarik perhatian para peneliti karena ia adalah satu-satunya satelit yang diketahui memiliki atmosfer tebal sekaligus satu-satunya benda langit yang memiliki genangan cairan di permukaan. Danau yang juga ada di daerah kutub utara dan tampak menyebar di kutub selatan ini diperkirakan merupakan cairan hidrokarbon seperti metana dan etana.

Dengan kondisi suhu rata-rata di permukaan Titan yang rendah, yakni 180 derajat Celcius, air akan sangat sulit bertahan di Titan kecuali sebagai es yang sekeras batu karang. Di titan, metana menggantikan peran air dalam siklus hidrologi penguapan dan pengendapan (hujan dan salju) dan akan tampak dalam bentuk gas, cairan maupun benda padat. Hujan metana memotong kanal yang ada dan membentuk danau di permukaan sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya erosi dan menghilangkan kawah tumbukan meteor.

Penelitian lain yang juga disampaikan dalam IAU GA mengacu pada aktvitas vulkanik di Titan saat ini. Namun bukannya melontarkan magma panas, “cryovolcanoes” (es vulkanik) ini juga melontarkan suspensi dingin dari air es dan amonia. Kondisi ini dideteksi oleh instrumen Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) pada Cassini. VIMS sebelumnya telah mendeteksi area yang disebut Hotel Regio, dan ditemukan juga keberadaan amonia beku yang terselubung. Meskipun amonia tidak terekspos namun pemodelan bisa membuktikan kalau amonia memang ada di bagian dalam Titan, dan mengindikasikan kalau prosesnya memang bekerja untuk menghantarkan amonia ke permukaan. Selain itu RADAR juga menemukan struktur yang mirip dengan gunung api di kebumian di dekat area endapan amonia.

Dalam IAU GA ini, citra inframerah terbaru dari area endapan akan diungkapkan juga. Citra ini memiliki resolusi 10 kali lebih tinggi dari pemetaan saat ini. Citra tersebut akan menunjukkan cryovolcanism telah menyimpan amonia ke permukaan Titan. Tak bisa dipungkiri kalau amonia bersama metana dan nitrogen merupakan komponen peting pada atmosfer Titan dan memiliki kesamaan dengan kondisi linkungan di Bumi saat kehidupan pertma kali muncul.

Pertanyaan menari yang muncul, apakah proses kimiawi di Titan ini mendukung kimia prebiotik di awal evolusi kehidupan di Bumi?

Kondisi kebumian lainnya yang juga terungkap adalah bukit pasir yang terbentuk dari angin dingin serta rantai pegunungan. Rantai pegunungan ini tampatknya terbentuk secara tektonik saat kerak Titan dimampatkan dan menjadi beku. Di Bumi, kerak Bumi terus bergerak dan menghasilkan gempa bumi meretakkan bukit-bukit di planet ini.

Para peneliti Titan berharap mereka akan dapat mengamati titan lebih lama lagi dengan Cassini agar dapat melihat perubahan musim disana. Citra lainnya juga menunjukkan danau yang hampir kering di area kutub selatan, sehingga diperkirakan hidrokarbon di daerah itu tengah mengalami penguapan akibat musim panas. Jika musim berubaha dalam beberapa tahun dan musim panas kembali ke area utara, danau di area tersebut diperkirakan akan mengalami penguapan dan pada akhirnya akan ada genangan di selatan.

Sumber : Langit SeLatan

Sumber : IAU

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Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Lukisan Mbah surip

di 8/09/2009 07:56:00 PM 0 komentar
Sahabat dekat Mbah Surip, Cubung Warso Putro, mengaku pernah melukis wajah penyanyi beraliran reggae itu dan menjualnya seharga Rp25 juta pada tahun 2007 silam.

Cubung Warso Putro di Jakarta, Kamis (06/08), mengungkapkan, lukisan tersebut diberi judul Beauty and the Beast. Lukisan itu sendiri dibuatnya tahun 2007 pada saat pelaksanaan Jambore Seni Rupa Nasional ke-12.

"Saya dulu melukis Mbah Surip berdampingan dengan Elsa Sigar, anak dari penyanyi balada Ully Sigar Rusadi. Saat itu memang Elsa dan ibunya sedang mengunjungi Pasar Seni Ancol, di mana keduanya merupakan teman dekat Mbah Surip," kenang Cubung.

Akhirnya Elsa dan Mbah Surip dilukis wajahnya setengah badan. Dan lukisan itu dijual saat acara Jambore Seni Rupa Nasional ke-12 yang diselenggarakan di Pasar Seni Ancol.

"Tidak disangka, wajah unik Mbah Surip tersebut laku dijual oleh seorang kolektor. Saya tidak tahu siapa yang beli saat itu," kata Cubung.

Sementara itu, pada acara Jambore Seni Rupa Nasional ke-14 yang akan diselenggarakan pada Jumat (7/8) mendatang, para pelukis yang dekat dan pernah melukis Mbah Surip, rencananya akan memamerkan lukisan Mbah Surip tersebut.

"Saya juga masih menyimpan lukisan wajah Mbah Surip tahun 2007. Namun lukisan tersebut tidak untuk dijual," ujar Cubung. Alasannya, lukisan tersebut adalah buah karya kolaborasi antara Cubung dengan rekannya, Sudaryono, yang sudah meninggal dua tahun lalu.

"Saya saat itu melukis dengan Mas Daryono, yang ketika itu sedang kritis menderita penyakit kanker tulang," ungkap pelukis aliran surealisme tersebut.

Lukisan kolaborasi keduanya, menceritakan tentang, Umboro Karno dari pewayangan yang mana Mbah Surip dalam lukisan itu menggambarkan raksasa yang baik hati. Sedangkan Sudaryono yang merupakan pelukis beraliran impressionis, menggambar seorang wanita cantik yang ditolong oleh raksasa yang baik hati itu.

Cubung mengatakan, sejumlah teman seniman pelukis pun pernah melukis wajah Mbah Surip. Namun para seniman memberikan hasil karyanya kepada Mbah Surip.

Menurut dia, semua lukisan yang mengambil model Mbah Surip, diserahkan kepada penyanyi dan pencipta lagu fenomenal Tak Gendong tersebut yang telah meninggal dunia beberapa hari lalu itu.

"Mungkin di rumah Mbah Surip di Kampung Artis, banyak lukisan wajah Mbah Surip yang disimpan di sana, sebab setiap selesai melukis, para seniman memberikannya kepada Mbah Surip dan dibawa pulang," terang Cubung, yang mengaku mengenal Mbah Surip sekitar 20 tahun itu.

Selain Cubung, A Ad Sugiarto, juga melukis Mbah Surip saat sedang bermain gitar. Dalam lukisannya yang dibuat tahun 2005 itu, Mbah Surip sedang mengiringi para tamu pesta yang sedang merayakan ulang tahun Cubung.

"Saya melukis berdasarkan apa yang saya lihat. Saat itu, di pasar Seni Ancol, para seniman sedang merayakan ulang tahun Cubung. Di sana Mbah Surip bernyanyi dengan gitarnya, dan diabadikan dengan lukisan suasana pesta tersebut," terang Sugiarto.

Namun saat ditanyai, apakah lukisan tersebut akan dijual. Sugiarto mengatakan, tidak akan menjualnya sebab kenangan dirinya dengan Mbah Surip sangatlah kental.

"Saya ini punya memori dengan Mbah Surip. Setiap kali pulang dari pasar Seni Ancol, pulangnya selalu bersama dengan Mbah Surip," kenangnya.

Banyaknya seniman yang melukis Mbah Surip, sebab penyanyi beraliran reggae itu sudah menjadi ikon dan maskot para pelukis di Pasar Seni Ancol.

Di acara Jambore nanti lukisan-lukisan dengan model Mbah Surip tersebut akan ditampilkan. Para seniman sahabat Mbah Surip pun sangat kehilangan tawa dan canda Mbah Surip setiap acara Jambore yang selalu kedatangan Mbah Surip.

"Biasanya setiap datang dan bertemu pelukis, Mbah Surip selalu mengatakan 'I love you full'," terang Sugiarto. (kpl/npy)
by yahoo ... Click here to Read More..

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

RahasiaKu.. ^_^

di 7/28/2009 05:47:00 PM 0 komentar
Pengen BLOG kamu jadi di bagusin kayak bLogQw..??
caranya gampang kok...
caranya adaLah,,
beLajar, beLajar dan beLajar..
mencoba,, mencoba dan mencoba..
jangan pernah putus asah untuk mencoba semua haL haL yang baru yang ada di daLam bLog..
kaLo buat teman"qW...
ini khusus untuk teman" qw..
kaLo mau bLognya di bagusin,,
ntar degh ku kasih tau...
tapi ada komisinya..
hhahahahah ^_^...
siLahkan hubungi aku...
mau ggak segera..
sesegera mungkin...

... Click here to Read More..

Selasa, 21 Juli 2009


di 7/21/2009 09:42:00 PM 0 komentar
Ya ampun.
hari ini (seLasa, 21/07/2009) aku tuh seneng banged euy..
soaLnya aku dagh dapet nomor hpnya BF ku yang udah Lama pisah ma aku..
ya ampun..
rasanya gimana gitu......................
seneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnkkkkkkkk banget..
sudah tak terukur Lagi senangnya hatiku ini...
dia adaLah sahabat terbaik yang pernah aku dapat di dunia ini...
she is the onLy one my Best of the best friend... ... Click here to Read More..

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

aneh tapi nyata

di 7/20/2009 11:15:00 PM 0 komentar
http://unic77.blogspot.com/2009/07/waoww-pesawat-dijadikan-ruang-kelas.html ... Click here to Read More..


di 7/20/2009 11:11:00 PM 0 komentar

Bayi Allien

Baru-baru ini banyak berita tentang kelahiran bayi berwujud aneh. Ada beberapa diantaranya yang menjadi perbincangan masyarakat luas seperti bayi yang disebut-sebut sebagai ‘bayi alien’. Benarkah kelahiran mereka akibat kutukan atau akibat sang ibu berhubungan seks dengan makhluk halus?

Berdasarkan penggalian dari beberapa sumber yang berkompeten, terutama yang terkait dengan penjelasan secara medis, secara singkat dapat dijelaskan bahwa si bayi mengidap penyakit aneh yang disebut Harlequin Ichthyosis.

Pada awalnya penyakit ini di-issue-kan sebagai penyakit kutukan.
Issue tentang jenis penyakit inipun semakin berkembang kemana-mana, dan bahkan media ”menyebar-luaskan” beritanya sebagai hasil persetubuhan manusia dengan alien. Dikatakan begitu karena bentuk bayi Harlequin Ichthyosis memang sangat menakutkan mirip seperti alien (tokoh hasil rekayasa animasi yang biasa kita liat di film2 fiksi).

Pada tahun 2005 Queen Mary’s Institute of Cell and Molecular Science melakukan penelitian dan menyatakan bahwa penyakit ini adalah penyakit kulit (inherited disease) yang disebut dengan ichthyosis. Penyakit ini terjadi pada saat kelahiran dimana terjadinya pengerasan pada permukaan kulit karena berlebihannya kadar keratin. Pada beberapa kasus hal ini muncul pada semua permukaan kulit sehingga mengganggu pertumbuhan sel yang abnormal pada sekitar mata, mulut dan telinga. Penyebabnya bisa karena berbagai faktor. Menurut Professor David Kelsell dari Centre for Cutaneous Research adalah karena terjadi mutasi pada gen. Hal ini berawal dari adanya kontaminasi yang disebabkan bakteri/virus pada janin.

Penderita Ichthyosis masih dapat tumbuh dan hidup walaupun perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dari kedua orangtuanya. Dari kasus yang ada, para penderita Ichthyosis mengalami berat badan yang tidak seimbang dengan usia yang sebenarnya, sehingga pertumbuhan badannya lebih membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Disisi lain pertumbuhan kulit lebih cepat dari yang lainnya sehingga memang harus selalu dikontrol. Juga terjadi gangguan pada pendengaran dan mata. Itulah sebabnya penderita selalu menggunakan kaca mata sejak usia dini.

Yang pasti ini bukanlah penyakit “kutukan”. Tetapi memang karena adanya gangguan kesehatan ketika di dalam kandungan sang ibu.

... Click here to Read More..

Joe Jackson: Saya Tak Pernah Pukuli Michael

di 7/20/2009 10:52:00 PM 0 komentar

Michael Jackson mengaku punya masa kecil yang kurang indah. Sejak belia ia sudah harus mengikuti segala kegiatan untuk karirnya yang diurus sang ayah, Joe Jackson. Michael juga kerap mendapat siksaan dari Joe.

Namun kini Joe membantah hal tersebut. Joe mengaku tak pernah memukuli pelantun hits 'Thriller' itu. Ia berujar tak pernah menghukum anaknya lebih dari orang tua lain lakukan.

"Michael tak pernah dipukuli seperti yang mereka bilang. Dan setiap orang "menampar" anaknya ketika mereka berbuat salah. Bukan memukuli," ujar Joe dikutip detikhot dari Femalefirst, Senin (20/7/2009).

Joe pun mengambil sikap cuek dengan pandangan orang terhadapnya karena ia mengaku tidak bersalah. Bicara soal memberi pelajaran kepada anak, Joe mengaku lebih jarang melakukannya ketimbang sang istri, Katherine Jackson.

"Katherina "menampar" Michael lebih dari saya, karena saya bekerja di dua pekerjaan dan lebih kerap di rumah bersama Michael sepanjang waktu," tutur Joe.

Isu tentang masa kecil Michael yang suram itu telah mendarahdaging di hati pecinta Michael. Bahkan Michael lebih mempercayakan ketiga anaknya pada Katherine dan tak ingin mereka disentuh Joe. Menyesalkah ia?

"Tidak. Saya tak punya penyesalan. Ya, kami membawa Michael ke jalan yang benar," jelas Joe bangga.

By Yahoo!

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Kenapa Noordin M Top Sulit Ditangkap?

di 7/20/2009 10:46:00 PM 0 komentar

Keberadaan Noordin M Top yang telah bertahun-tahun menjadi buron tetap misteri. Mabes Polri yang mengaku terus melakukan pengejaran tak juga mampu menangkap pria asal Malaysia tersebut. Kenapa Noordin begitu sulit ditangkap?

"Karena ada jaringan yang masih mau melindungi dia, yang merasa dengan ikhlas melakukan hal ini," kata Direktur International Crisis Group, Sidney Jones dalam wawancara yang ditayangkan tvOne, Senin (20/7/2009) pagi.

Selain memiliki jaringan yang masih kuat, menurut wanita asal Australia ini, Noordin banyak belajar dari pengalaman. Jika selama ini KPK berhasil menyadap banyak pejabat negara, maka menurutnya, Noordin mengakalinya dengan melakukan cara-cara konvensional, seperti berhubungan dengan memalui kurir. "Noordin banyak belajar dari pengalaman ini," imbuhnya.

Berbeda dengan Sidney, tokoh Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) Fauzan Al Anshari menuding CIA dan Amerika Serikat (AS) menjadi biang kerok kenapa Noordin belum juga tertangkap.

"Saya curiga ini skenario besar dari CIA dan AS agar Indonesia tidak aman," ujar Fauzan.

Fauzan mengatakan, kemenangan SBY dengan menggandeng PKS dianggap merongrong kepentingan asing di Indonesia. Sehingga, dengan membuat Indonesia tidak aman lantaran bom, di mata Internasional posisi Indonesia menjadi kian terpuruk.

Terkait dengan masalah ini, Sidney balas membantah pendapat Fauzan. "Sama sekali tak masuk akal," ujarnya singkat.

Saat ditanya apakah kemungkinan teroris masih akan terus merongrong Indonesia, wanita berambut pirang ini tidak membantahnya. Pasalnya, masih ada belasan teroris yang masih menghirup udara bebas.

"Saat ini masih ada 12-13 orang. Untuk membuat bahan peledak tidak sulit, dan masih ada orang yang punya pengalaman dan berniat untuk melakukannya," imbuhnya.

Namun demikian, Sidney juga memuji prestasi Polri yang selama ini telah menangkap banyak teroris. "Sudah 400-an yang tertangkap. Tidak sulit untuk menangkap 12 sisanya," pungkasnya.
By Yahoo ... Click here to Read More..

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Layouts BBF in friendster

di 7/19/2009 10:41:00 AM 0 komentar
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Photobucket ... Click here to Read More..

J - Rocks Ceria

di 7/19/2009 01:30:00 AM 0 komentar
Hari ini kudendangkan
Lagu yang ingin kunyanyikan
Terkenang semua kenangan
Yang tlah kualami

Ingin kubuka lembar baru
Untuk meneruskan hidupku
Tak mau lagi kesedihan
Selimuti diriku

Semua orang ingin bahagia
Menjalani hidup di dunia ini
Ingin kubukakan jawaban
Misteri dan senang yang sejati

Hari ini kudendangkan
Lagu yang ingin kunyanyikan
Terkenang semua kenangan
Yang tlah kualami

Berlari dan terus bernyanyi
mengikuti irama sang mentari
tertawa dan selalu ceria
berikan ku arti hidup ini

Berlari dan terus bernyanyi
mengikuti irama sang mentari
tertawa dan selalu ceria
berikan ku arti hidup ini

Berlari dan terus bernyanyi
mengikuti irama sang mentari
tertawa dan selalu ceria
berikan ku arti hidup ini ... Click here to Read More..

BrLive Or NoT

di 7/19/2009 12:08:00 AM 0 komentar

Los Angeles. Percaya atau tidak, kami serahkan kepada anda semua. Ada Temuan menggemparkan soal kematian Michael Jackson yang dibeberkan tim forensik kepolisian Santa Barbara, California. The King of Pop itu dinyatakan telah tewas dibunuh sekitar 20 tahun yang lalu. Mayat sang Moonwalker tersebut dikubur dibawah rel kereta api.

Michael Jackson yang terlihat beberapa waktu belakangan ini, hingga akhirnya ditemukan meninggal karena serangan jantung pada 25 Juni 2009 lalu, diduga adalah Michael Jakson palsu sekaligus pembunuh Michael Jackson yang asli.

Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan temuan tim forensik atas sesosok mayat yang teridentifikasi sebagai Michael Jackson asli di Neverland Valley Ranch, California. Menurut ketua regu forensik, Tim Holbrooke, Michael Jackson diprediksi telah tewas antara 18 hingga 20 tahun lalu. Ditambahkannya, mayat Michael dikubur hanya beberapa inci di bawah rel kereta api miniatur yang terdapat di Neverland.

Sebagian besar bagian tubuh dari jasad Michael yang diduga asli itu telah mengering. Di tubuhnya melekat sisa sebuah jaket kulit dengan retseleting merah dan sebuah sarung tangan. Menurut hasil analisa tim forensik, jasad itu secara positif dikenali sebagai the real Michael Jackson berdasarkan laporan susunan gigi dan DNAnya. Holbrooke juga menambahkan, meski mayat mengalami proses pembusukan, hasil identifikasi jasad dengan foto di awal karir Michael, mereka menemukan kemiripan yang menyolok pada struktur tulang serta paras wajah. Uniknya, saat mereka coba membandingkan mayat temuan dengan foto yang diambil sesudah tahun 1987, tidak ditemukan kemiripan sama sekali.

“Penemuan ini menimbulkan akan menghentakkan dunia. Akan timbul banyak pertanyaan. tapi juga memberi titik terang pada sejumlah insiden yang meresahkan saat ini.” Timpal Holbrooke kepada sebuah situs terkemuka di AS.

Sementara itu selain ahli forensik, beberapa kritikus musik di negeri Paman Sam juga memperkirakan Michael Jackson meninggal sebelum album bertajuk BAD diluncurkan. Bahkan menurut analisa mereka, syair Man In The Mirror dapat dijadikan petunjuk yang mungkin berhubungan dengan identitas yang mirip dan dicurigai telah membunuh anggota paling muda dari Jackson Five ini. Bisa jadi setelah membunuh Michael yang asli, sang pembunuh langsung memalsukan identitasnya. Holbrooke juga mengatakan bahwa, Michael yang tewas pada 25 Juni 2009 lalu adalah tersangka utama kasus pembunuhan ini.

"dia bisa jadi sebagai tersangka atau bahkan korban dari beberapa tersangka lainnya. Secara mendasar, kami tidak mengetahui makhluk macam apa yang kami hadapi saat ini." Ujar Holbrooke.

Seorang anggota tim penyelidik kematian Michael Jackson yang menemukan jasad Michael yang diduga asli itu, memberi gambaran pengalaman menemukan sesosok jasad di bawah rel Neverland itu seperti memasuki ‘dunia dimensi lain’.

“Sewaktu kami mendekati jalur rel Neverland, anjing mulai melolong panjang seperti anjing gila.” Ungkap Frank Poeller, seorang Detektif Kepolisian Santa Barbara County.

“Kami mesti menarik mereka ke dalam rumah dulu. Ketika kami sampai ke kamar tidur Michael, salah satu di antara anjing mencoba keluar lewat jendela. Sesudah beberapa menit kami ikuti anjing tersebut, kami menemukan mayat itu." Kisah Frank lebih lanjut.

Luke Allard seorang pengurus label rekaman ciptaan milik Michael Jackson, yang bernama MJJ Productions juga menyatakan kejanggalan yang terpendam selama ini. Bahkan ia mengaku tidak heran mengetahui bahwa Jackson yang sekarang adalah penipu ulung.

“Saat kami sedang rekaman Heal The World untuk album Dangerous, saya tahu sesuatu yang sangat janggal.” Tutur Luke Allard selaku Manajer MJJ.

Lanjut Luke, "Michael tidak terlihat seperti dirinya sendiri lagi. Dia memesan makanan aneh dan duduk berjam-jam lamanya di sebuah hyperbaric. Penampilannya mulai jadi semakin aneh. Dia mulai memakai topeng dan membuat pengakuan pada seekor simpanse." Cumi"

... Click here to Read More..

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Layouts Boys Before FLower

di 7/10/2009 12:36:00 AM 0 komentar
mau DownLoad Layoutnya BBF....??bagus Loh..
Latar bLakangnya Foto mereka ber-5...
Warnanya Biru...
mau ggak..?
kalo mau....
download ajah disini.
kLik disini. ... Click here to Read More..

Layouts FS dan FaceGorontaLo

di 7/10/2009 12:14:00 AM 0 komentar
mau downLoad Layouts untuk FS dan FacegorontaLo...?
Layouts nya gambarnya kim so eun dan kim bum Loh...!!!
Layouts kim bum & kim so eun ... Click here to Read More..

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

Kim Sang Bum

di 7/05/2009 03:26:00 AM 0 komentar
... Click here to Read More..
di 7/05/2009 12:38:00 AM 0 komentar
Boys Before FLower Song and photo.zip ... Click here to Read More..
di 7/05/2009 12:17:00 AM 0 komentar
PARADISE T-MAX.mp3 ... Click here to Read More..

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

Paradise - T-Max

di 7/03/2009 04:40:00 PM 0 komentar
Almost Paradise achimboda deo nunbusin
Nal hyanghan neoui sarangi onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme kkumcheoreom
Dagawajun ni moseubeul eonje kkajina saranghal su itdamyeon

Neoui soneul japgoseo sesangeul hyanghae himkkeot sorichyeo
Haneureul georeo yaksokhae yeongwonhi ojik neomaneul saranghae
Bamhaneul byeolbitgateun uri dulmanui areumdaun kkum Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise
Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Tteonaboneun geoya dallyeoganeun geoya loving you forever

Almost Paradise taeyangboda deo ttaseuhan
Nal boneun neoui nunbicheun onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme biccheoreom
Dagawajun ni sarangeul eonje kkajina ganjikhal su itdamyeon

You are All of my love!
You are All of my life! ~
Nae modeungeol georeoseo naneunneoreul saranghae!

Jeo pureunbada gateun uri dulmanui areumdaun got Paradise
Neowa hamkkehandamyeon eodideun gal su isseo to the my Paradise

Neoreul irheotdeon sigangwa geuapeum modu daijeobwa
Ijebuteo sijagiya neowa hamkke
Tteonaboneun geoya dallyeoganeun geoya loving you forever

Almost Paradise achimboda deo nunbusin
Nal hyanghan neoui sarangi onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme kkumcheoreom
Dagawajun ni moseubeul eonje kkajina saranghal su itdamyeon

Cheonsagateun ne misoga gadeukhan uri nagwone
Neomaneul wihan kkotteullo yeongwonhi chaewo dulkkeoya

Almost Paradise taeyangboda deo ttaseuhan
Nal boneun neoui nunbicheun onsesang da gajindeutae

In my life nae jichin sarme biccheoreom
Dagawajun ni sarangeul eonje kkajina ganjikhal su itdamyeon

Eonjekkajina saranghal su itdamyeon~
... Click here to Read More..

Stand by me - Shinee

di 7/03/2009 04:37:00 PM 0 komentar
Stand by me nal parabwajwo
Ajik sarangeul morujiman
Stand by me nal jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotul-jiman

Noreul bulsurok kibuni chohwajyo
Nado mollae noraereul bullo
Han songi jangmireul sago shipojin
Iron nae moseub shingihande
Nae ma-eumi noyege dah-neundeuthae
I sesangi areumdawo
Iron solle-i-meul nodo neuggindamyon
Budi chogumman kidaryojwo

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije naesoneul naesoneul chaba

Stand by me nareul parabwajyo
Ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotungot kata
Noreul alsurok kaseumi ttollyowa
Na-neun geujo utgoman isso
Noyege salmyoshi kiseu haebol-kka
Chogum ni mame tagasol-kka
Nae ma-eumi ojjomyon sarangil-kka
Nan ajigeun sujubeunde
Ajik hangoreumdo tagasoji mothan
Naye sarangeul kidaryojwo

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije chogumsshik chogumsshik kalkke

Stand by me nareul parabwajwo
Choum to kakkawo chigoshipo
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Jom do mochige boigo shipo

Nan chew-umen mollasso
Nugunga parabo-neun-ge
Ajikdo naema-eum molla
Keudae-neun keudaereul saranghae

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije naesoneul naesoneul chaba

Stand by me nareul parabwajyo
Ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotungot kata
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